
Established in 2000, we are qualified treasury specialists who work with businesses of all sizes to improve profitability and reduce obvious (and not so obvious) banking costs.
Our benchmarking service, The Bank & Treasury Review, delivers significant savings in fees relating to payments, bank accounts, borrowing, deposits, currency transfers, foreign exchange and interest rate risk management.

Eliminating international inward payment charges, international payment fees and currency account fees delivered savings could yield an annual saving of £5,000, based on a £6m turnover.  

Cash Management

Our cash management solution is based on 3 trusted treasury pillars.

Security – All the banks we use on the cash platform are protected up to £85,000 each. A £1m cash balance would use 12 banks: 11 at £85,000 and one at £65,000. However, there is only one application form!

Liquidity – Deposits may have any maturity that suits you and may be a mix of Instant Access, Notice Accounts and Fixed Term Deposits that can range from 1 month to 1 year and beyond.

Return – The best rates on the market currently include Instant Access Account earning 4.50% and 6 months Fixed Term Deposits at 4.60%.

A typical £500,000 balance that is completely protected and meets your liquidity requirements is currently yielding 4.55%: £22,750 per annum.

We assist you with the application process and the ongoing management of the deposit balances. For more details, please get in touch via the contact form or 028 9268 3036

Foreign Exchange

We’ll recommend how you can achieve better value on your currency conversions. If you receive EUR or USD* from your customers or pay for goods or services internationally, we can help you improve the competitiveness of your exchange rates.

Exchange Rates – Value for money exchange rates are available online or by telephone.

Payments – Book your rate and then transfer the funds to a FCA regulated account. You receive your funds within 2 hours, but it is often quicker. Payments to your bank account or suppliers account are free and are available to over 100 countries.

Currency Bank Accounts – EUR, USD and 20 other bank accounts are free. Simply add these bank details to your sales invoices and convert to Sterling when it suits you.

Forward Contracts – Use forwards if you want to manage or reduce your exchange rate risk.


O’Hare Treasury Consultancy Ltd commenced trading in January 2000 and is located at 13 Lisburn St. Hillsborough. It was founded by Stephen O’Hare B.Sc (Acc) AMCT.

Stephen has experience of bank AND corporate treasury: He has managed a global bank’s foreign exchange and treasury department in Belfast and has direct experience working with some of the UK and Ireland’s leading companies in helping them achieve substantial bank and treasury efficiencies. 

Contact Us

  • O'Hare Treasury Consultancy Ltd
  • First Floor, 13 Lisburn Street
  • Hillsborough, Co. Down
  • BT26 6AB
  • +44(0)28 9268 3036
  • stephen@oharetreasury.com